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LAMA Project Summary
Time frequency applications require reliable, high precision, high stability, compact and cost effective clocks. Cesium atomic clocks are currently considered as the most suitable devices complying
with such requirements. The development of highly reliable and cost effective laser diode modules is one of the most challenging part of atomic clocks and is key to achieve
a complete European supply chain in the field.
The objective of the project is to develop such laser diodes modules and validate their use in an atomic clock; it will rely on the following activities:
- Development of laser diode modules at 852nm and 894nm with linewidth below 1MHz.
- Chip and packaging design taking into account the whole light pass chain within the atomic clock with a special emphasis on the reflections on optical interfaces.
- Extensive laser diode characterisation, with special attention to optical power, noise, spectral parameters like linewidth, frequency noise, and sensitivity to optical feedback
to optimize the laser diode, modules and atomic clock designs.
- Reliability study on laser diodes.
- Environmental tests on laser modules.
- Validation of an atomic clock operating with pump sources at 894nm with a simplified architecture.
Industrial exploitation of the project results will be twofold:
- Marketable atomic clock (OSA, TED)
- High reliability DFB modules emitting at 852 and 894 nm for atomic clocks and cold atom sensors (III-V Lab).

Most compact Cesium atomic clock (OSA-3030) using atomic beam magnetic-deflection technology. |

Prototype development of Ground Cesium Clock developed for the European Space Agency using atomic beam optical pumping technology. |
